Write a python program that reads the contents of the file poem.txt and count the number of alphabets blank spaces lowercase letters and uppercase letters the number of words starting from vowel and the number of occurrences of each word in the file.
alphabet=0 space=0 lower=0 upper=0 voword=0 oc=0 occur={} f=open("data.txt","r") content=f.read() vowel=['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I',"O",'U'] print("Contet Of File") print(content) print("\nTotal Length Of File",len(content)) words=content.split(' ') #print(words) for i in range(len(content)): #print(content[i]) if (content[i]>='a' and content[i]<='z') or (content[i]>='A' and content[i]<='Z'): lower+=1 alphabet+=1 if content[i]>='A' and content[i]<='Z': upper+=1 if(content[i]==' '): space+=1 for i in range(len(words)): str=words[i] oc=0 if str[0] in vowel: voword+=1 for j in range(len(words)): if words[i]==words[j]: oc+=1 occur[words[i]]=oc print("Number Of Alphabet ",alphabet) print("Number Of Space ",space) print("Number Of Lowercase Letter ",lower) print("Number Of Uppercase Letter ",upper) print("Words Starting From Vowel",voword) print("\nOccurance Of Word\n") for item in occur: print(item," => ",occur[item])
- OutPut
Contet Of File Hi this is python lab. Python is high level programming language. Total Length Of File 65 Number Of Alphabet 53 Number Of Space 10 Number Of Lowercase Letter 53 Number Of Uppercase Letter 2 Words Starting From Vowel 2 Occurance Of Word Hi => 1 this => 1 is => 2 python => 1 lab. => 1 Python => 1 high => 1 level => 1 programming => 1 language. => 1
Thank you!!