Kotlin Basics – Kotlin Keywords

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are certain words in Kotlin that have special meaning and cannot be used as identifiers(variable name, function name, class name etc). These words are called reserved words or keywords. In this guide, we will learn about keywords and identifiers.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Types of Keywords in Kotlin “][vc_column_text]We… Read More »Kotlin Basics – Kotlin Keywords


Kotlin has powerful type inference. While you can explicitly declare the type of a variable, you’ll usually let the compiler do the work by inferring it. Kotlin does not enforce immutability, though it is recommended. In essence use val over var. var a: String = “initial” println(a) val… Read More »Variables

Infix Functions

Member functions and extensions with a single parameter can be turned into infix functions. Defines an infix extension function on Int. Calls the infix function. Creates a Pair by calling the infix function to from the standard library. Here’s your own implementation of to creatively… Read More »Infix Functions

Hello World

fun main() { println(“Hello, World!”) } An entry point to a Kotlin application is the main function. In Kotlin 1.3, you can declare main without any parameters. The return type is not specified, which means that the function returns nothing. println writes a line to… Read More »Hello World