Special Function package

Special Function package scipy.special package contains numerous functions of mathematical physics. SciPy special function includes Cubic Root, Exponential, Log sum Exponential, Lambert, Permutation and Combinations, Gamma, Bessel, hypergeometric, Kelvin, beta, parabolic cylinder, Relative Error Exponential, etc.. For one line description all of these function, type in… Read More »Special Function package

Write a shell script that store content from console to file until end is encountered and print number of line and content of stored file

echo “Enter Content” touch contentfile end=”end” while true do read content if [ “$content” != “$end” ] then echo $content >> contentfile line=$((line + 1)) else break fi done echo “—————————————–” echo ” Content Of File” echo “Name Of File :: contentfile” echo “Number Of… Read More »Write a shell script that store content from console to file until end is encountered and print number of line and content of stored file

Javascript Can Change HTML Content

One of many JavaScript HTML methods is getElementById(). This example uses the method to “find” an HTML element (with id=”line”) and changes the element content (innerHTML) to “Hello JavaScript”: <html> <body> <h2>Java Script Can Change HTML Content</h2> <p id=”line”>This Is HTML Content</p> <button type=”button” onclick=’document.getElementById(“line”).innerHTML… Read More »Javascript Can Change HTML Content