HackerRank Solution :: 30 Days Of Code – 3.Intro to Conditional Statements

Objective In this challenge, we’re getting started with conditional statements. Check out the Tutorial tab for learning materials and an instructional video! Task Given an integer, n, perform the following conditional actions: If n is odd, print Weird If n is even and in the inclusive range of 2 to 5,… Read More »HackerRank Solution :: 30 Days Of Code – 3.Intro to Conditional Statements

HackerRank Solution :: 30 Days Of Code – 2.Operators

ObjectiveIn this challenge, you’ll work with arithmetic operators. Check out the Tutorial tab for learning materials and an instructional video! TaskGiven the meal price (base cost of a meal), tip percent (the percentage of the meal price being added as tip), and tax percent (the percentage of the meal price being added as tax) for a meal,… Read More »HackerRank Solution :: 30 Days Of Code – 2.Operators