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Basic for Loop In C

for loop consists of three parts in a sequence.

Initialization: Use to initialize the loop variable.
Condition: It is checked after each iteration as an entry point to the loop.
Increment or Decrement: Incrementing or Decrementing the loop variable to eventually terminate the loop not satisfying the loop condition.
Remember that the loop condition checks the conditional statement before it loops again.


for(initialization, condition, incrementation or decrementation)
    code statements;

Example is give below


void main()
    //Always declare the variables before using them 
    int i = 0;  // declaration and initialization at the same time


    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        printf("i = %d\n", i);

            when i equals 10, the loop breaks.
            i is updated before the condition is checked-
            hence the value of i after exiting the loop is 10 



i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
i = 4
i = 5
i = 6
i = 7
i = 8
i = 9


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