Discrete Fourier Transform –
- DFT is a mathematical technique which is used in converting spatial data into frequency data.
- FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) is an algorithm for computing DFT
- FFT is applied to a multidimensional array.
- Frequency defines the number of signal or wavelength in particular time period.
Example: Take a wave and show using Matplotlib library. we take simple periodic function example of sin(20 × 2πt)
%matplotlib inline from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np #Frequency in terms of Hertz fre = 5 #Sample rate fre_samp = 50 t = np.linspace(0, 2, 2 * fre_samp, endpoint = False ) a = np.sin(fre * 2 * np.pi * t) figure, axis = plt.subplots() axis.plot(t, a) axis.set_xlabel ('Time (s)') axis.set_ylabel ('Signal amplitude') plt.show()
Output :
You can see this. Frequency is 5 Hz and its signal repeats in 1/5 seconds – it’s call as a particular time period.
Now let us use this sinusoid wave with the help of DFT application.
from scipy import fftpack A = fftpack.fft(a) frequency = fftpack.fftfreq(len(a)) * fre_samp figure, axis = plt.subplots() axis.stem(frequency, np.abs(A)) axis.set_xlabel('Frequency in Hz') axis.set_ylabel('Frequency Spectrum Magnitude') axis.set_xlim(-fre_samp / 2, fre_samp/ 2) axis.set_ylim(-5, 110) plt.show()
- You can clearly see that output is a one-dimensional array.
- Input containing complex values are zero except two points.
- In DFT example we visualize the magnitude of the signal.