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Image Processing with SciPy – scipy.ndimage

Image Processing with SciPy – scipy.ndimage

  • scipy.ndimage is a submodule of SciPy which is mostly used for performing an image related operation
  • ndimage means the “n” dimensional image.
  • SciPy Image Processing provides Geometrics transformation (rotate, crop, flip), image filtering (sharp and de nosing), display image, image segmentation, classification and features extraction.
  • MISC Package in SciPy contains prebuilt images which can be used to perform image manipulation task

Example: Let’s take a geometric transformation example of images

from scipy import misc
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#get face image of panda from misc package
panda = misc.face()
#plot or show image of face
plt.imshow( panda )


Now we Flip-down current image:

#Flip Down using scipy misc.face image  
flip_down = np.flipud(misc.face())


Example: Rotation of Image using Scipy,

from scipy import ndimage, misc
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
panda = misc.face()
#rotatation function of scipy for image – image rotated 135 degree
panda_rotate = ndimage.rotate(panda, 135)


Integration with Scipy – Numerical Integration

  • When we integrate any function where analytically integrate is not possible, we need to turn for numerical integration
  • SciPy provides functionality to integrate function with numerical integration.
  • scipy.integrate library has single integration, double, triple, multiple, Gaussian quadrate, Romberg, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules.

Example: Now take an example of Single Integration

Here a is the upper limit and b is the lower limit

from scipy import integrate
# take f(x) function as f
f = lambda x : x**2
#single integration with a = 0 & b = 1  
integration = integrate.quad(f, 0 , 1)


(0.33333333333333337, 3.700743415417189e-15)

Here function returns two values, in which the first value is integration and second value is estimated error in integral.

Example: Now take an example of double integration. We find the double integration of the following equation,

from scipy import integrate
import numpy as np
#import square root function from math lib
from math import sqrt
# set  fuction f(x)
f = lambda x, y : 64 *x*y
# lower limit of second integral
p = lambda x : 0
# upper limit of first integral
q = lambda y : sqrt(1 - 2*y**2)
# perform double integration
integration = integrate.dblquad(f , 0 , 2/4,  p, q)


(3.0, 9.657432734515774e-14)

You have seen that above output as same previous one.

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